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Lead Singer of Brass Against Issues Public Apology for Urinating on Fan During Performance

Brass Against frontwoman Sophia Urista has publicly expressed regret for urinating on a concertgoer’s face during the band’s set at the Welcome To Rockville festival in Daytona Beach, Florida.

In a formal statement addressing the incident, Urista acknowledged her actions, stating, “Hey everyone.

I want to talk about my performance at the Rockville metal festival in Daytona.

I have always been known to push boundaries in music and on stage.

However, that night, I crossed a line that I deeply regret.”

She continued by emphasizing her love for her family, bandmates, and fans, expressing remorse for any harm caused and clarifying that her intention was never to offend or cause distress.

Following the controversial act, the group took to social media to express their surprise and disapproval of Urista’s behavior.

In a tweet post-show, they admitted, “We are still coming to terms with what happened…

It was completely unexpected.

We had a fantastic time performing at Welcome To Rockville.

Sophia’s actions were unanticipated by the rest of us and do not align with our values.

We appreciate the support from our fans and thank you for your enthusiasm at the show.”

Subsequently, Brass Against posted a now-deleted apology on their official Twitter account, expressing remorse for the incident and asserting that the incident does not reflect their collective identity as a band.

Despite the controversial nature of the incident, local law enforcement has confirmed that Brass Against will not face legal repercussions.

Nevertheless, NASCAR, the venue where the festival took place, has taken a stand against the band.

In an official statement issued by NASCAR spokesperson Russell Branham, it was declared that Brass Against will be prohibited from future performances at any NASCAR-affiliated properties, including the Daytona International Speedway where the event occurred.

Daytona International Speedway, in collaboration with event promoter Danny Wimmer Presents