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Mackenzie Phillips Opens Up About Her Complex Relationship with Father John

Mackenzie Phillips has shared intimate details about her decade-long incestuous bond with her father, John Phillips, the renowned face of The Mamas & the Papas.

During a recent appearance on her sister Chynna’s YouTube channel, Mackenzie delved into the intricate layers of her father’s personality.

Chynna fondly described their father as one of her cherished individuals but also acknowledged his darker side.

The sisters reminisced about their upbringing, with Chynna praising John’s songwriting genius while acknowledging the ominous aura that sometimes shrouded him.

Mackenzie echoed these sentiments, highlighting her father’s enigmatic nature.

Reflecting on her past, Mackenzie disclosed in her memoir “High on Arrival” that her father s**ually assaulted her on the night of her marriage to Jeff Sessler at the age of 19.

Despite this traumatic experience, Mackenzie found herself entangled in a consensual relationship with John for nearly a decade amidst struggles with substance abuse.

During their recent conversation, the sisters chose not to delve deeply into the specifics of Mackenzie’s ordeal with their father.

However, Chynna expressed unwavering support for Mackenzie’s decision to speak out about the unconventional affair, emphasizing her pride in Mackenzie’s courage.

Acknowledging the online backlash she faces for forgiving her deceased father, Mackenzie emphasized that forgiveness is a personal journey aimed at finding peace within oneself rather than condoning past actions.

She stressed the complexity of forgiveness and its role in her quest for inner tranquility despite the turbulent past.