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Mad Men Star Recalls Embarrassing Girdle Incident

Alison Brie, known for her roles in Community, GLOW, and BoJack Horseman, recently shared a hilarious yet embarrassing moment from her time on the set of Mad Men.

Portraying the character Trudy, Brie faced a wardrobe malfunction that led to an unexpected mishap.

Mad Men, created by Matthew Weiner, delves into the world of the Sterling Cooper ad agency during the 1960s, showcasing the challenges faced by women in that era.

Brie’s character, Trudy, epitomizes the ideal housewife who struggles to gain recognition despite her efforts to conform to societal expectations.

The show explores themes of corporate culture and gender dynamics in a captivating narrative.

During an episode of Justin Long’s podcast, Life is Short, Brie revealed a behind-the-scenes incident involving her costume on Mad Men.

She disclosed how the intricate girdle she wore as part of her outfit caused an unforeseen issue due to a misunderstanding about its design.

The girdle, akin to biker shorts extending up to the ribs, had a small opening intended for bathroom use.

However, Brie mistakenly wore underwear beneath it, leading to a comical yet embarrassing situation.

In her rush to the restroom between takes, she failed to align her undergarments correctly, resulting in an unexpected mishap while trying to relieve herself.

Despite the mishap, Brie displayed professionalism by quickly addressing the situation and resuming filming without causing disruptions.

After completing the scene, she candidly confessed the incident to the costume designer, who reassured her that such mishaps were not uncommon on set.

Brie’s ability to handle the embarrassing moment with grace and humor reflects her dedication to her craft.

Fans of the actress admire her commitment to her roles, even in challenging circumstances.

Her willingness to share this anecdote showcases her down-to-earth nature and sense of humor.

The incident serves as a reminder of the intricacies involved in portraying historical characters and the challenges actors face behind the scenes.

Brie’s experience highlights the importance of communication and adaptability in navigating unexpected situations during filming.

Despite the initial embarrassment, Brie’s anecdote adds a humorous touch to her time on Mad Men and offers a glimpse into the less glamorous aspects of working on a period drama.

Her candid storytelling provides insight into the realities of working in the entertainment industry and the camaraderie among cast and crew members.

In retrospect, Brie views the incident as a memorable and amusing chapter in her acting career, showcasing her ability to handle unexpected challenges with humor and professionalism.

The girdle mishap has become a lighthearted anecdote that further endears Brie to her fans and underscores her resilience as an actor.