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Margot Robbie Stands Firm on Complete n^dty in Movie Scenes

Actress Margot Robbie insisted on being fully n^de during the filming of a s** scene in The Wolf of Wall Street to ensure authenticity.

She was offered the option to tone down the scene by director Martin Scorsese for her comfort, but Robbie was determined not to compromise the realism she wanted to portray.

Robbie, a 32-year-old Australian actress, portrayed the character Naomi Lapaglia in the acclaimed movie alongside Leonardo DiCaprio almost a decade ago.

As the second wife of the money-driven stockbroker Jordan Belfort, played by DiCaprio, the film featured intense and intimate moments.

The success of Martin Scorsese’s movie significantly boosted Robbie’s career, though it came with challenges.

One notable aspect was a full-frontal n^de scene that Robbie knew would be forever captured on screen, making her apprehensive about its impact.

Expressing her views on n^dty in films, Robbie emphasized that she believes in authentic representation rather than gratuitous exposure.

She criticized instances where n^dty is included solely for the sake of it, without adding depth or relevance to the storyline.

In an interview with The Telegraph back in 2014, Robbie shared her perspective on portraying the character of Naomi, whose body serves as her primary asset in a world driven by materialism and power dynamics.

Despite suggestions to cover up during a seduction scene, Robbie remained steadfast in her decision to stay true to the character’s essence.

While committed to her craft, Robbie admitted that filming intimate scenes, such as the one in question, was challenging and awkward.

Recalling the experience on set, she revealed the discomfort of being surrounded by a predominantly male crew in a confined space for hours on end, engaging in intimate acts required by the script.

For Robbie, delving into such vulnerable and exposed moments on screen demanded a deep commitment to her character and the narrative.

Despite the inherent awkwardness and self-consciousness involved, she strived to deliver a performance that resonated authentically with the character’s arc and motivations.