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Marilyn Monroe’s Missing Red Diary Unveils Conspiracy Theory

A private investigator claims that Marilyn Monroe was murdered 20 years ago to prevent her from revealing a CIA conspiracy to assassinate Fidel Castro.

The investigator, Milo Speriglio, is offering a $10,000 reward for the red diary that allegedly holds crucial evidence.

Speriglio, the director of the Nick Harris Detective agency, has accused Dr. Thomas Noguchi, known as the ‘coroner to the stars,’ of overlooking signs of foul play during Monroe’s autopsy.

Despite Noguchi ruling her death as a drug overdose suicide, Speriglio asserts that Monroe was deliberately killed.

The missing diary supposedly contains information about Monroe’s connections with then-President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy.

Speriglio claims that the diary was last seen in the coroner’s office and holds critical details that refute the suicide theory.

Asserting his belief in Monroe’s murder, Speriglio states that he has dedicated over a decade to investigating her death.

He emphasizes that the red diary would provide conclusive proof that Monroe did not take her own life.

According to Speriglio, Monroe was allegedly injected with drugs by a rogue faction within the CIA to prevent her from going public with the Castro assassination plot.

This revelation has sparked a surge of public interest and support for Speriglio’s investigation.

The private investigator’s involvement in the case began when Robert Slatzer, who claimed to have been married to Monroe in secret, approached him ten years ago.

Slatzer purportedly revealed details from the red diary, including references to the Castro plot, which led to threats against both him and his publisher.

The diary reportedly delves into Monroe’s relationships with the Kennedys and underworld figures, shedding light on a complex web of connections.

Speriglio maintains that Noguchi’s suicide ruling lacks substantial evidence and pushes for a thorough reinvestigation into Monroe’s death.

Speriglio alleges that the last person to handle the red diary was Lionel Grandson, the deputy coroner, who allegedly faced pressure while signing Monroe’s death certificate.

Subsequently, the diary vanished under suspicious circumstances, erasing any official record of its existence.

To further unravel the mystery surrounding Monroe’s demise, Speriglio plans to hold a press conference to disclose additional findings and demand a formal reexamination of the case.

He insists on reopening the investigation and conducting an official coroner’s inquiry to seek justice for Marilyn Monroe.

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