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Marilyn Monroe’s Secret Love Affair with Drama Coach Natasha Lytess

New revelations have come to light indicating that iconic actress Marilyn Monroe engaged in a clandestine romantic relationship with her assertive German acting instructor, as per recently discovered records.

Documents disclose that Monroe and Columbia Pictures drama instructor Natasha Lytess cohabitated as partners for two years out of the seven they collaborated from 1948 to 1955.

Despite being thrice married, Monroe reportedly confessed to intimate encounters with Hollywood luminaries Joan Crawford, Marlene Dietrich, and Barbara Stanwyck, alongside dalliances involving Marlon Brando, Frank Sinatra, and the Kennedy brothers.

An intriguing artifact linked to this chapter of Monroe’s life is a pair of her jeans, up for auction with a certificate of authenticity signed by Lytess.

The high-waisted denim, valued between £400 to £500 on auctionmystuff.com, was a heartfelt gift from Lytess to Monroe.

Although the letter accompanying the jeans does not delve into their personal bond, Lytess unveiled certain aspects of their connection during a 1962 interview, coincidentally the same year Monroe passed away.

According to Lytess, Monroe once confided in actor Ted Jordan about their intimate relationship, remarking on the naturalness of their liaison.

Upon their initial encounter in 1946 when Monroe was 20, Lytess remarked that the starlet was not conventionally attractive and struggled with self-expression and anxieties.

Lytess recalled Monroe’s propensity for n^dty within their shared abode, stating that the actress spent hours unclothed daily.

Despite her uninhibited nature, Monroe battled deep-rooted insecurities, particularly concerning her perceived overreliance on her s** appeal to define her identity.

In a poignant revelation, Lytess disclosed that Monroe harbored a disdain for s**ual activities, contrasting sharply with her public image as a symbol of sensuality.

Despite this aversion, Monroe found solace and support in Lytess, who played a pivotal role in bolstering her confidence and emotional well-being.

Tragically, Lytess recounted an incident where she intervened to save Monroe from a potentially fatal overdose, underscoring the profound emotional turmoil plaguing the beloved actress.

The enduring bond between Monroe and Lytess transcended mere companionship, with Monroe crediting her mentor for instilling a sense of equilibrium and understanding of life.

This partnership, characterized by mutual care and profound connection, encapsulates a lesser-known facet of Monroe’s complex persona.

As artifacts linked to Monroe’s life and legacy continue to surface, such as the aforementioned pair of jeans and a set of rhinestone earrings available for bidding until September 21, the enigmatic allure surrounding the iconic actress only deepens, inviting audiences to reflect on the multifaceted nature of her existence.