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Marilyn Monroe’s Secret Love Affair with Elizabeth Taylor Revealed

Marilyn Monroe, a true symbol of an era, captivated the hearts and minds of many during her time.

Her beauty and allure made her an unforgettable Hollywood icon.

Behind the glamour, however, there were hidden truths that shaped not only her career but also her public persona long after her passing.

A recent sensational revelation suggests that Marilyn’s romantic interests leaned towards women, contrary to popular belief.

Before you start tearing down your Marilyn Monroe posters in shock, take a moment to process this unexpected twist.

As reported by The National Enquirer, Marilyn allegedly confessed to intimate encounters with various Hollywood stars, including Joan Crawford, Barbara Stanwyck, Marlene Dietrich, and the legendary Elizabeth Taylor.

There are even claims that she seduced a 16-year-old girl who ran her fan club.

Pulling off such escapades in the conservative 1950s would have required remarkable audacity.

Apologies for the abrupt revelation!

Author Tony Jerris unveils in his book, “Marilyn Monroe: My Little Secret,” that Marilyn was romantically involved with Jane Lawrence, the teenage girl in question.

Their bond seemingly stemmed from shared familial backgrounds, with both having connections to the same orphanage despite the significant age gap.

Jerris shared in an exclusive interview with RadarOnline.com about their intertwined histories and burgeoning friendship.

Expressing a progressive mindset, Marilyn reportedly reassured Jane about love transcending boundaries, saying, “Whatever [sic] your s**ual preference is, it means nothing – love is love.”

A sentiment that resonates even today, albeit with a slightly different tone.

Tony and Jane’s relationship evolved into a deep friendship and professional partnership over the years.

An alleged rendezvous between Marilyn and Jane in 1955, as narrated by Lawrence, paints a vivid picture of an unconventional encounter.

Amidst champagne and medication, Marilyn’s playful advances hinted at a deeper connection.

Lawrence’s recollection of the evening conveys a mix of excitement and uncertainty, unlike any other experience she had encountered before.

Their bond endured for nearly a decade until Marilyn’s untimely death at the age of 36 in 1962.

Could it be possible that Marilyn Monroe’s heart belonged to another woman all along?

Is the novel’s narrative a work of fiction or a genuine portrayal of Marilyn’s hidden life?

Share your perspective on this intriguing revelation.