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Meghan and Harry Criticized Frogmore Cottage: Surprising Revelations by This Morning Guest

A guest on This Morning has stirred controversy by asserting that Meghan and Harry actually disliked their former residence, Frogmore Cottage.

The couple’s spokesperson recently confirmed that they were asked to vacate the property, prompting further scrutiny into their true feelings about the cottage.

During a discussion on the show, panellist Tom Swarbrick raised eyebrows by suggesting that Meghan and Harry had not expressed fondness for Frogmore Cottage in the past.

He highlighted instances from a Netflix documentary where the couple made comments indicating their dissatisfaction with the living space.

In the documentary, Meghan and Harry reportedly referred to their previous royal abode, Nottingham Cottage, as “small.”

This led to speculation about their expectations and preferences when it came to their living arrangements within the royal residences.

Despite the criticism, host Phillip Schofield offered a different perspective, noting that Harry seemed to appreciate Frogmore Cottage more in his book, which delves into their experiences and memories associated with the property.

Responding to Schofield’s observation, the guest appeared indifferent, mentioning that they had yet to read the book and didn’t feel inclined to do so at the moment.

The controversy surrounding Meghan and Harry’s tenure at Frogmore Cottage intensified when their spokesperson confirmed that they were indeed asked to vacate the premises, signaling a significant change in their living arrangements.

Currently residing in California with their children, Archie and Lilibet, Meghan and Harry had previously resided at Frogmore Cottage, a 10-bedroom Grade-II listed property gifted to them by the late Queen.

The couple invested £2.4 million in renovating the cottage between 2018 and 2019, with the expenses initially covered by taxpayers before being reimbursed by Harry.

In the Netflix documentary, Meghan and Harry reminisced about their time at Nottingham Cottage, emphasizing the modesty of the dwelling compared to the grandeur associated with Kensington Palace.

They humorously remarked on the challenges posed by the compact living spaces and low ceilings, with Harry joking about constantly bumping his head due to his tall stature.

The revelations shared by the This Morning guest have sparked discussions about Meghan and Harry’s living preferences and the significance of their departure from Frogmore Cottage.

As the couple continues to carve out their new path in the United States, the scrutiny surrounding their past royal residences sheds light on the complexities of their transition away from traditional royal life.

Viewers can catch This Morning on weekdays at 10 am on ITV, where a diverse range of topics and opinions are explored by the engaging panel of hosts and guests.