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Meryl Streep Recalls Being Rejected as “Too Ugly” for a Role Given to Jessica Lange

In the latest episode of The Graham Norton Show, Meryl Streep delves into a cringe-worthy audition experience dating back to 1975.

At the age of 26 and prior to her big break in film, Streep was invited by Federico De Laurentiis, the son of renowned producer Dino De Laurentiis, to audition for the remake of King Kong.

However, despite Federico’s positive impression of Streep, his father Dino bluntly remarked “che brutta,” translating to “how ugly” or “what an ugly woman,” within earshot of the aspiring actress.

Streep, being the Yale graduate she is, cleverly responded in Italian.

The coveted role originally intended for actress Fay Wray eventually landed in the hands of another emerging talent, Jessica Lange.

Both Lange and Streep have since enjoyed illustrious and fulfilling careers post the 1975 incident.

Interestingly, Streep went on to amass a record-breaking 18 (nearing 19?)

Academy Award nominations, commencing with her recognition in 1978 for The Deer Hunter.

Despite her phenomenal success in Hollywood spanning over four decades, one can only wonder if De Laurentiis harbored any regret over his unkind assessment upon witnessing Streep’s meteoric rise.

With Streep’s enduring legacy and undeniable talent, any lingering bitterness from the King Kong audition rejection may have dissipated over time.

However, as she emphatically recalls the film’s title at the conclusion of