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Miguel Faces Lawsuit Two Years Later Over Billboard Music Awards Mishap

It seems that legal repercussions can come knocking even years after an unfortunate incident, as Miguel is finding out with a lawsuit filed against him two years after he mistakenly landed on a woman during a failed stage jump.

The incident occurred following the R&B singer’s performance at the 2013 Billboard Music Awards when Miguel attempted to leap off the stage but fell short, inadvertently landing on several audience members.

According to documents obtained by ET, Cindy Tsai, whose head reportedly cushioned Miguel’s fall, has taken legal action against both the singer and the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas where the awards ceremony took place.

Tsai’s lawsuit alleges negligence on Miguel’s part and seeks compensation for medical expenses, lost wages during recovery, and the emotional distress she endured as a result of the incident.

In a similar incident in 2013, another woman named Khyati Shah was said to have suffered injuries due to Miguel’s failed stunt.

However, despite reports suggesting possible legal action from Shah, no lawsuit was ever initiated.

Following the mishap in 2013, Miguel humorously mentioned his interaction with Shah in an interview with Billboard, describing her as his “new friend” despite the circumstances surrounding their meeting.

When reached out for comment regarding the recent lawsuit, representatives for Miguel have yet to respond.

For a glimpse at more unforgettable celebrity blunders, take a look at the video below showcasing some of the most memorable stage falls ever recorded.