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Now she’s owning it.

Mariah Carey’s Brave Revelation: Battling Bipolar II Disorder

The foster care system can be a mixed bag for children and their caregivers.

While some may find it to be a nightmare, others view it as a blessing.

For a significant period, global pop sensation Mariah Carey grappled with a condition that profoundly impacted her life.

Despite this, she chose to keep it hidden, shunning treatment altogether.

It wasn’t until a recent interview that Carey disclosed her diagnosis of bipolar II disorder dating back to 2001, following a mental breakdown.

Fear of public exposure compelled her to maintain secrecy around the diagnosis and reject treatment until more recently.

In her own words, Carey confessed, “I lived in denial and isolation, constantly dreading the revelation by someone else.

The burden became too heavy to bear, and I could no longer carry it alone.

Seeking and receiving treatment, surrounding myself with positive influences, and returning to my passion of creating music helped me overcome.”

Witnessing other celebrities openly discuss their battles with mental health concerns empowered Carey to step forward.

Several public figures have shared their personal stories of living with mental illness in recent times.

The encouraging reactions to these narratives motivated Carey to seek help and share her journey with the world.

People magazine editor-in-chief Jess Cagle remarked, “She aspires to inspire others positively with her story.”

“I’m currently in a space where I feel comfortable addressing my struggles with bipolar II disorder,” stated Carey.

“My aspiration is for us to reach a point where the stigma surrounding solitary struggles dissolves.”

Throughout her career, Carey has faced intense scrutiny and ridicule publicly.

Particularly, she endured harsh online criticism after a troubled New Year’s Eve performance in 2016, which was interpreted as peculiar behavior in response to technical mishaps.

Now, as Carey opens up about her mental health, these incidents take on a different perspective, irrespective of whether they directly correlated with her bipolar disorder.

They also serve as an educational opportunity for more compassionate reactions towards public figures during challenging moments.

Carey shared that therapy sessions and prescribed medications have significantly relieved her symptoms.

“The experience can be profoundly isolating,” Carey acknowledged regarding concealing her condition.

“It should not define you, and I am determined not to let it dictate or confine me.”

Each time a prominent figure like Carey discusses mental health, it diminishes stigma and fosters acceptance.

Individuals are not obligated to disclose private aspects of their lives they prefer to keep confidential.

Everyone’s journey is unique.

However, when cherished personalities like Carey or renowned figures such as Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson reveal their vulnerabilities, it paves the way for others to follow suit.

Mariah Carey’s courage in sharing her story is commendable, offering support to those navigating their personal mental health paths.