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Paris Jackson’s Troubling Incident: Self-Harm and Suicide Note Emerges

In a distressing turn of events, Paris Jackson, the daughter of the late Michael Jackson, was involved in a concerning incident early Wednesday morning.

Reports from TMZ suggest that Paris had cut her arm with a meat cleaver and left behind a suicide note.

According to sources familiar with the situation, Paris reached out to a suicide hotline for help, prompting the authorities to intervene.

Allegedly, she not only inflicted a wound on her right forearm but also ingested a significant amount of Motrin, an over-the-counter pain reliever.

Following the alarming episode at their Calabasas residence, Paris was swiftly transported to a nearby hospital via ambulance around 2 a.m.

Subsequently, she was put under a 5150 psychiatric hold for 72 hours and received extensive medical attention, including receiving numerous stitches for the self-inflicted injury.

A close source revealed to TMZ that Paris had previously made attempts at self-harm, but this instance was notably more severe, indicating a deeper struggle.

It was emphasized that this incident was not merely a plea for attention but a serious matter.

The troubled teenager had hinted at her emotional turmoil through cryptic tweets shared the night before, with messages like “yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they’re here to stay,” and “I wonder why tears are salty?”

Despite the distressing events, reports later emerged stating that Paris was reportedly in stable condition on Wednesday morning, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the troubling circumstances.

Paris Jackson, one of Michael Jackson’s