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President Kennedy’s Secret Affair Unveiled: A White House Intern’s Tale

A young White House intern, merely four days into her new role, found herself standing beside the most influential man in the world in the inner sanctum of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Mimi Alford, previously Beardsley, embarked on her journey at the White House press office in 1962, where she captivated the attention of President John F. Kennedy.

While the film “Jackie” in 2016 shed light on the first lady’s creation of the Camelot myth following JFK’s tragic death, questions linger about their marital relationship and Jacqueline Kennedy’s awareness of her husband’s alleged extramarital affairs.

Mimi Alford, a young woman in the early 1960s, stood before the White House, courtesy of Mimi Alford.

Mimi Alford recounts in her 2012 publication, “Once Upon a Secret,” the surprising moment when Dave Powers, a close aide to Kennedy known as the “First Friend” at the White House, called her for a swim in the presidential pool.

Despite lacking a swimsuit, she was unfazed as there were numerous options available for her.

Amidst the company of two fellow female colleagues, Alford was taken aback when the president himself entered the pool area shortly after her plunge.

President Kennedy, shirtless, joined them after changing into swim trunks, showcasing his remarkable fitness for a man of forty-five, as described by Alford, as they exchanged pleasantries while treading water.

Following the impromptu pool meeting, Alford received another call from Powers, this time inviting her to an informal gathering “upstairs.”

To her surprise, the rendezvous took place in the family residence, where she found herself enjoying daiquiris with a select group before President Kennedy made his entrance.

Subsequently, Kennedy offered Alford a personal tour of the residence, culminating in a private moment in the bedroom he shared with Jacqueline Kennedy.

It was there that the president made advances towards Alford, positioning himself close to her and guiding her toward the bed, leading to an intimate encounter where Alford lost her virginity to the renowned leader.

Despite facing criticism for disclosing intimate details in her book, including JFK’s alleged requests for s**ual favors for his associates, Alford expressed no regrets, emphasizing the complexity of her experiences.

Acknowledging her vulnerability and the president’s influence, Alford highlighted the significance of sharing her story authentically.