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Prince Harry’s Independent Stint: Why He Chose a Hotel Over Royal Residences

Prince Harry recently made a surprising decision to spend his brief London visit at a luxurious hotel, signaling a message to the royal family about his financial independence.

This move was intended to demonstrate that he is capable of supporting himself financially, as revealed by King Charles’ former butler, Grant Harrold.

After merely 24 hours in London and less than an hour spent with his father following Charles’ cancer diagnosis, the Duke of Sussex, aged 39, is now on his way back to Montecito, California.

Harrold, who served under King Charles during his Prince of Wales days for seven years, suggested that Harry’s choice to stay at a hotel instead of any royal residences signifies his desire to prove that he has matured enough to fund his own lifestyle.

In an exclusive interview with The Post, Harrold pointed out the peculiarity of Harry’s decision, considering the security implications.

If Harry had opted to stay at a royal residence, security measures would have already been in place.

However, by staying at a hotel, he needed to arrange his own security team, adding an extra layer of complexity to his visit.

Since relinquishing their rights to tax-funded police protection upon stepping back from royal duties in 2020, Harry and Meghan Markle now travel with their private security team.

Despite his efforts to reinstate UK security protection for his family, Harry’s recent choice to lodge at a hotel indicates otherwise.

Harrold expressed surprise at Harry not choosing to stay with his brother, Prince William, or at one of their father’s numerous properties, given the ample options available.

Additionally, the lack of communication between Harry and William following King Charles’ health crisis may prompt the estranged siblings to navigate a delicate reconciliation.

King Charles III’s cancer diagnosis has disrupted his royal engagements, and the timing of Prince Harry’s short visit has sparked speculation about the state of his relationship with his family members.

While it remains unclear when the king will resume his duties, Harry’s swift departure back to California has raised questions about potential underlying tensions within the royal family.

With no royal residence in the UK following the surrender of Frogmore Cottage last year, Harry’s decision to stay at a hotel may have been motivated by a desire to assert his financial independence and display personal growth.

Harrold suggested that if there is a lingering rift between Harry and William, it could have influenced Harry’s accommodation choice during his London visit.

As Harry prepares to depart for Canada with Meghan Markle for the Invictus Games training camp, his short yet significant trip to London has underscored the complexities of his relationship with the royal family and the ongoing dynamics among its members.