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Producer Makes Startling Revelation About Michael Jackson’s Use of Fake Nose

A music video producer who collaborated with the legendary Michael Jackson has come forward with a surprising claim regarding the pop icon’s physical appearance.

Rudi Dolezal revealed that Jackson underwent extensive cosmetic procedures on his face, leading him to wear a prosthetic nose.

During the filming of the Dangerous tour in Munich back in 1992, Dolezal shared that Jackson would refuse to be filmed on days when he wasn’t scheduled to perform.

The reason given was that on those days, Jackson reportedly “didn’t have a nose” due to the significant alterations he had undergone.

According to Dolezal, Jackson had undergone so many surgeries that his nose structure had weakened, causing it to collapse.

As a result, the pop star relied on a specially crafted plastic nose that required hours of meticulous application involving putty and makeup.

The producer suggested that Jackson’s motivation for altering his appearance stemmed from his desire to distance himself from resembling his father, whom he harbored strong negative feelings towards.

In addition to shedding light on Jackson’s physical transformations, Dolezal expressed his support for the controversial HBO docu-series Leaving Neverland.

The series featured detailed allegations of s**ual abuse against Jackson by Wade Robson and James Safechuck over an extended period.

Dolezal went as far as labeling Jackson as a “predator,” emphasizing that no one could impede his actions.

He voiced his disbelief at the possibility of an iconic figure like Jackson being exposed as