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Renée Zellweger Rejects Wine Offer for n^dty on Film Set

In a recent interview with Harpers Bazaar, Renée Zellweger, the acclaimed Oscar-winning actress, disclosed that film producers had tried to ply her with wine to encourage her to participate in n^de scenes earlier in her career.

Zellweger shared that during certain instances on set, producers had attempted to coax her into disrobing by offering her alcohol, stating, “Here, drink this wine, ’cause then you’ll do it.”

Recounting the uncomfortable situations, Zellweger expressed her refusal to succumb to such pressures by rejecting the wine and insisting on making a phone call instead.

The specific films or producers involved in these incidents remain undisclosed, leaving a veil of anonymity over the occurrences.

Despite these unsettling encounters, Zellweger asserted that she never viewed herself as a victim, downplaying her experiences in comparison to the challenges faced by other women in the industry.

Zellweger has been vocal about her stance against n^de scenes, citing an instance in 2001 where she declined director Cameron Crowe’s request for t0pless exposure in a scene from Jerry Maguire, emphasizing her trust in his intentions and her limits regarding such requests.

In response to claims made by Harvey Weinstein suggesting that she engaged in s**ual acts for career advancement, Zellweger vehemently denied any such allegations.

In a legal battle against Weinstein, one accuser alleged that Weinstein had hinted at exchanging s**ual favors for career opportunities, referencing Zellweger and Charlize Theron as examples.

While collaborating with Weinstein on various projects like Bridget Jones’ Diary, Cold Mountain, and Chicago, Zellweger staunchly rebuffs any insinuations of impropriety or s**ual involvement with the disgraced producer.