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Revealed: Donald Sutherland Confirms Authenticity of Movie s** Scene

A long-standing question surrounding the 1973 film Don’t Look Now has finally been addressed by former Variety editor Peter Bart in his upcoming book.

The tantalizing mystery of whether actors Donald Sutherland and Julie Christie engaged in real intimacy during the filming of a love scene in the thriller set in Venice has been put to rest.

In his forthcoming book titled “Infamous Players: A Tale of Movies, the Mob, (and s**),” Bart unequivocally asserts that the on-screen lovemaking between Sutherland and Christie was indeed genuine.

This revelation, reported by The Hollywood Reporter, sheds new light on a scene that has intrigued audiences for decades.

Bart recounts his firsthand experience as a young executive at Paramount Pictures, visiting the Venice set on a day that would become infamous.

Director Nicolas Roeg cryptically remarked to Bart upon his arrival that it was an opportune moment to be present.

During the filming of the pivotal scene, Bart found himself briefly distracted until his attention was abruptly drawn back to the actors, who were unclothed.

He vividly recalls realizing that what unfolded before his eyes transcended mere acting – Sutherland and Christie were engaging in on-screen intimacy.

In the heat of the moment, Bart inquired of Roeg why the scene wasn’t halted.

The director’s response was enigmatic, stating that he needed to ensure comprehensive coverage of the scene.

Bart’s observation, however, went beyond the technicalities of filming.

An additional anecdote shared by Bart involves a perturbed Warren Beatty, who had a romantic history with Christie, expressing strong disapproval of