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Rihanna Takes Legal Action Against Father Over Use of Their Family Name

The famous quote from William Shakespeare’s character Juliet questioning the significance of a name remains relevant today, with the recent legal clash between Grammy-winning artist Rihanna and her father revolving around just that – their shared surname.

Rihanna, born Robyn Rihanna Fenty, has taken her father, Ronald Fenty, to court, accusing him of leveraging their family name, Fenty, to create confusion among consumers regarding any association with her own business ventures.

The lawsuit, lodged in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California, alleges various infringements, including violation of her right to publicity, false attribution of origin, and false light.

Seeking damages and an injunction to prevent her father from using the “FENTY” trademark in connection with any goods or services, Rihanna also aims for a declaratory judgment on the matter.

Despite her global recognition as a music and beauty industry icon, Rihanna has established herself as a successful entrepreneur, utilizing her surname professionally across her brand initiatives since at least 2012.

Holding trademark registrations in the U.S. and several foreign jurisdictions for names like “FENTY BEAUTY,” “FENTY BEAUTY BY RIHANNA,” and “FENTY GLOW,” she has made significant strides in the cosmetics market.

Notably, “FENTY BEAUTY” has garnered substantial popularity, being featured prominently in outlets such as Sephora and earning accolades like Time Magazine’s “Inventions of the Year” in 2017.

In contrast, Mr. Fenty ventured into the entertainment realm in 2017 with the establishment of Fenty Entertainment LLC, promoting itself as a company focused on nurturing talent and creating media platforms.

Operating as an LLC in California, the company’s scope includes film production, live events, and music endeavors, aligning closely with the domain where Rihanna has achieved remarkable success.

The overlapping use of the Fenty name by both parties has sparked potential confusion among audiences.

While some may argue that Mr. Fenty is entitled to utilize his own last name, the legal landscape around trademarking surnames presents nuances.

In the U.S., trademark laws restrict the registration of a surname considered purely familial on the Principal Register.

However, if a surname acquires a distinct commercial identity, often termed as secondary meaning, it can qualify for trademark protection.

Rihanna asserts that her “FENTY” mark embodies this acquired significance, symbolizing her professional persona and enterprises to consumers.

Interestingly, while Rihanna’s trademarks primarily cover beauty and fashion categories, her claim against her father does not directly involve trademark infringement.

This deviation might stem from Mr. Fenty’s application to trademark “FENTY” relating to resort hotel services, a move contested by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office due to its perceived generic nature as a surname.

In her lawsuit, Rihanna emphasizes how the association of the “FENTY” mark with her brand clashes with her father’s business activities, potentially misleading consumers about their connection.

Moreover, Rihanna’s legal challenge extends to alleging misrepresentation under agency law, asserting that Mr. Fenty falsely positioned his company as having authority to engage in contractual agreements on her behalf.

Instances cited include purported efforts by Fenty Entertainment to secure Rihanna for concerts in Latin America, implying an unauthorized representation of the artist.

The complaint underscores discrepancies in Fenty Entertainment’s public statements and social media content, which previously hinted at a link to Rihanna.

As the legal proceedings unfold, the implications of this familial dispute on Rihanna’s brand integrity and her father’s entertainment venture remain uncertain.

While Rihanna’s trademarks safeguard her presence in specific sectors like beauty and fashion, the clash with her father’s foray into entertainment raises intriguing questions about the boundaries of name usage and branding associations within a family dynamic.

Ultimately, the resolution of this conflict lies in the hands of the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California.