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Robert De Niro Faces Financial Struggle Amid Divorce Battle

Veteran actor Robert De Niro finds himself in a tight spot financially, as his lawyer attributes it to his ex-wife’s lavish spending habits.

The ongoing divorce saga between De Niro and Grace Hightower took an intense turn during a recent court session on April 16, as per reports from Page Six.

Despite having a prenuptial agreement in place, the terms of the agreement are not yet enforced.

Consequently, De Niro has been financially supporting his estranged wife, but conflicts arise as Grace’s penchant for splurging on luxurious items, particularly from designer Stella McCartney and expensive jewelry, comes into question.

Initially, De Niro was covering Grace’s credit card bills amounting to $375,000 monthly; however, he recently slashed this figure down to $100,000.

De Niro’s legal representative emphasized the strain this financial burden is placing on the 77-year-old actor.

Expressing concern, the lawyer stressed that De Niro should not be compelled to continue working at an exhaustive pace solely to meet his ex-wife’s extravagant demands, highlighting the disparity between their lifestyles.

The lawyer raised a poignant query: when will De Niro have the opportunity to step back and not feel obligated to accept every project that comes his way, allowing him to escape the relentless cycle of work demanded by Grace’s opulent lifestyle choices?

The attorney further criticized Grace for reportedly splurging over $1 million on jewelry in 2019, cautioning about the uncertainties of life, including De Niro potentially falling ill.

It was revealed that the acclaimed actor is significantly behind on his tax payments, necessitating the earnings from his upcoming film projects to rectify this financial setback.

Conversely, Grace’s legal counsel argued that De Niro should continue providing financial support to sustain her accustomed lavish lifestyle.

Painting a vivid picture of De Niro’s ostentatious lifestyle, Grace’s lawyer highlighted the stark contrast between the actor’s indulgences and his refusal to compromise on his own luxuries, such as chartering helicopters for leisurely outings.

The contentious issue of finances did not escape the notice of Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Matthew Cooper, who expressed a desire to expedite the divorce proceedings, ensuring both parties emerge wealthier than most individuals globally.

As the legal battle unfolds, the narrative underscores the complex interplay between financial obligations, personal choices, and the intricate dynamics of high-profile divorces, shedding light on the human complexities that transcend celebrity facades.

Ultimately, the case serves as a stark reminder of how even the most privileged individuals are not immune to the challenges posed by love, money, and divergent aspirations.