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Robert De Niro’s Legal Battle Over Lavish Expenses

Robert De Niro’s attorney is claiming that the actor is being pressured to work excessively to cater to his estranged wife’s extravagant tastes.

During a recent virtual divorce hearing, De Niro’s lawyer, Caroline Krauss, expressed concerns about the relentless pace at which he is working in order to meet the financial demands of his estranged wife, Grace Hightower, and settle his outstanding taxes.

Krauss emphasized that despite De Niro’s age of 77, he is being compelled to take on projects at an unsustainable rate merely to keep up with Hightower’s expensive preferences, particularly her fondness for Stella McCartney.

The judge recently decreed that Hightower would be entitled to $1 million annually and that the couple would sell their $20 million residence.

Despite claims by Hightower’s legal team that De Niro possesses a fortune of $500 million, Krauss argued that the pandemic has placed his finances in a precarious position, exacerbated by his estranged wife’s lavish spending habits.

On the other hand, Hightower’s lawyer, Kevin McDonough, alleged that since the initiation of divorce proceedings in 2018, De Niro has been gradually reducing the financial support provided to his estranged wife.

This includes a significant reduction in her monthly credit card limit from $375,000 to a mere $100,000 as of January this year.

Although De Niro and Hightower have a tumultuous marital history, with a separation in 1999 followed by a reconciliation in 2004 before the divorce filing three years ago, McDonough contended that Hightower is entitled to maintain the extravagant lifestyle she enjoyed during their marriage.

Krauss further elaborated that apart from the financial obligations imposed by Hightower, De Niro is currently facing substantial tax arrears, with proceeds from his upcoming film projects earmarked for settling this debt.

Despite McDonough’s assertion that De Niro’s lifestyle remains unaltered, Krauss disputed claims of De Niro utilizing helicopters for casual outings, while McDonough denied allegations of Hightower splurging on a $1.2 million diamond.

During the hearing, Justice Matthew Cooper provided a reality check to both parties, emphasizing the exorbitance of their expenditures compared to the average individual.

His priority was clear – to expedite the divorce proceedings and enable De Niro and Hightower to part ways financially enriched beyond the norm.

Representatives for De Niro and Hightower were not available for immediate comments on the matter.