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Robert De Niro’s Struggle: Forced Work to Sustain Ex-Wife’s Lavish Lifestyle

Robert De Niro, known for his iconic roles in Hollywood, is currently facing a challenging situation as his lawyer reveals that the actor is under immense pressure to work excessively to fund his estranged wife’s extravagant way of life.

De Niro and Grace Hightower have been apart since 2018, with their legal matters now shedding light on the financial strain De Niro is enduring.

Amidst their marital issues, De Niro’s attorney has disclosed that the actor is compelled to maintain a grueling workload, accepting every acting opportunity that comes his way, regardless of its artistic merit.

This relentless pursuit is solely driven by the need to support Hightower’s opulent lifestyle, emphasized by a recent court decision awarding her an annual sum of $1 million.

The couple’s relationship history is marked by turbulence, having tied the knot initially in 1997, separated in 1999, and then reconciled in 2004 before eventually heading towards divorce proceedings in 2018.

During a virtual divorce hearing, De Niro’s legal representative, Caroline Krauss, highlighted the actor’s struggles in coping with the demands imposed on him.

Krauss passionately conveyed De Niro’s predicament to the judge, underscoring the actor’s age of 77 and his inability to sustain the rigorous pace at which he is compelled to operate.

She questioned when De Niro would be granted the respite from the relentless work schedule, enabling him to be discerning in his choice of projects and not succumb to incessant labor merely to meet Hightower’s insatiable desire for luxury brands like Stella McCartney.

In a significant development earlier this year, a court ruling mandated Hightower to receive a substantial annual allotment as part of the divorce settlement, alongside the anticipated sale of their luxurious $20 million residence.

Despite claims of De Niro’s extensive net worth amounting to $500 million, Krauss argued that the financial strains exacerbated by the pandemic have left the actor in a precarious situation, further burdened by Hightower’s lavish spending habits.

Moreover, Krauss revealed that De Niro is grappling with a substantial tax debt amounting to $18.25 million, with the earnings from his upcoming film projects earmarked to settle this outstanding liability.

Contrary to suggestions of reduced expenditures, Hightower’s legal counsel, Kevin McDonough, refuted any claims of De Niro scaling back his affluent lifestyle, citing instances of extravagant spending such as chartering helicopters for leisure trips and private jet travel for social engagements.

During the courtroom exchange, Justice Matthew Cooper expressed astonishment at the exorbitant nature of the couple’s expenses, emphasizing the extraordinary levels of luxury beyond the norm for most individuals.

Cooper’s focus remained on facilitating a swift resolution to the divorce proceedings, ensuring both parties emerge financially secure, albeit vastly wealthier than the average person.

De Niro and Hightower’s familial bond extends to their two children, a 9-year-old daughter conceived through a surrogate and a 23-year-old son, underscoring the complexities of their shared history amidst the ongoing legal battle.