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Rock Hudson’s Homosexuality Exposed in Secretly Recorded Confession

The confidential archives of renowned Hollywood private investigator Fred Otash were unveiled on Thursday by The Hollywood Reporter, shedding light on the personal lives of various iconic figures from the 1950s such as JFK, Marilyn Monroe, and James Dean.

Among the revelations was a tape recording from 1958 capturing a conversation between actor Rock Hudson and his wife, Phyllis Gates.

Gates had engaged Otash to document her confronting Hudson about his s**ual orientation.

In the recording, Gates confronted Hudson, accusing him of engaging in relationships with other men shortly after their marriage and continuing to do so discreetly under the guise of their marital status.

Hudson vehemently denied the allegations, stating that he had never picked up boys from the streets or bars, claiming the only reason he had interacted with young men was to offer them rides.

Expressing concern for her husband, Gates acknowledged his struggle but urged him to address his inner conflict and take steps towards resolving it.

Despite facing these intimate accusations, Hudson, who eventually succumbed to AIDS in 1985, chose not to