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“Romantic Revelations: Michael Vartan’s ‘Feelings’ During the Iconic Kiss with Drew Barrymore in ‘Never Been Kissed’ Revealed”

Michael Vartan has unveiled a hidden secret from the making of “Never Been Kissed,” a revelation that surprised even his co-star Drew Barrymore.

During Tuesday’s episode of The Drew Barrymore Show, a reunion of the cast from the 1999 romantic comedy took place, with Molly Shannon and David Arquette joining host Barrymore, aged 46.

After Barrymore shared a clip of the memorable kiss scene between her and Vartan, aged 52, towards the end of the movie, Vartan himself made a surprise appearance on stage.

Reflecting on the moment, Vartan expressed, “Watching that clip after so many years, it stirred up emotions within me.”

Both he and Barrymore became visibly emotional during this reunion.

Acknowledging the significance of the film in his life, Vartan shared, “This movie has been a pivotal part of my journey.

Whenever I’m recognized, it’s always for ‘Never Been Kissed,’ making it a truly remarkable experience to have been a part of this project and to reunite with the cast.”

Prompted by Barrymore to share any particular memories from the set, Vartan hinted at a little-known story related to the famous kissing scene in the film.

Recounting the moment of the kiss on a baseball field, Vartan confessed that the scene felt unexpectedly real for him during filming.

He admitted, “As we embraced and kissed, your kiss took me by surprise.

I wasn’t prepared for the intensity of it, and being a young man at that time, I found myself in a challenging situation due to my loose-fitting trousers.”

In a humorous retelling of the incident, Vartan disclosed, “Realizing the potential awkwardness of the situation, I impulsively called for a break, feigning a back injury from playing ball.”

He humorously added, “I resorted to distracting myself with distressing thoughts until I could regain composure.

Fortunately, the subsequent scenes proceeded smoothly, but that unexpected moment revealed your exceptional skill as a kisser.”

Barrymore also reminisced about the kiss, describing it as particularly memorable.

She playfully remarked, “Given your single status at the time, I decided to seize the opportunity, ensuring no offense would be taken.

Your gesture of placing your hands on my face added a touch of genuine romance to the kiss.”

Additionally, Vartan disclosed that he had preserved a keepsake from the movie—a small plant gifted to him by Barrymore as a wrap present.

Over the years, the plant named “Drew” had flourished into a 15 to 16-foot tall tree, serving as a poignant symbol of lasting connections forged through the film.

Reflecting on the enduring impact of the movie, Vartan shared a photo of the towering tree, remarking on its growth as a metaphor for the film’s enduring legacy and continued connection among the cast.

Impressed by Vartan’s heartfelt gesture, Barrymore acknowledged the symbolic significance of the growing tree and its representation of the timeless bond fostered by their shared experience.