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Rosamund Pike’s Stand Against Unwanted Audition Demands

Rosamund Pike embarked on her journey into the film industry at the age of 21 with an audition that would shape her career, as she tried out for the role of Miranda Frost in the James Bond film “Die Another Day.”

The talented actress, known for her Oscar-nominated performances, recently shared insights from her early days in the industry during an interview on Amazon’s Audible Sessions.

Pike disclosed that during her audition, she was instructed to perform a scene that involved removing her dress and appearing in her underwear – a request that she bravely refused.

Recalling the pivotal moment, Pike revealed, “My first audition was for a Bond film and I remember them saying I was to drop my dress and appear in my underwear.”

Despite the pressure, she made a bold decision to stand firm in her principles.

She recounted, “On the day, I don’t know how I got the resolve and strength of mind, but I just thought if they’re gonna see me in my underwear, they better give me the job.”

This unwavering stance showcased Pike’s determination and self-assurance in navigating the challenges of the audition process.

During the audition, Pike made a lasting impression not only with her talent but also with her choice of attire.

She arrived in an elegant evening dress gifted by her grandmother, which caught the attention of the film’s costume designers.

However, their feedback indicated that her outfit did not align with the iconic style portrayed in Bond movies.

Pike reflected on the encounter, noting the stark contrast in expectations, stating, “I realised I was in a completely different world and way out of my depth.”

Despite the pressure to conform to traditional Bond attire, Pike remained true to herself and opted not to compromise her values.

In the face of the costume designer’s suggestion of a revealing 007 ensemble described as “three pieces of string,” Pike stayed resolute in her decision.

She adapted by choosing a shimmering garment that suited the film’s aesthetic while retaining her dignity.

The experience served as a test of Pike’s character and integrity, highlighting her ability to