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Rose McGowan Accuses Bill Maher of Making Lewd Comment About Himself in the 1990s

Actress and prominent figure in the #MeToo movement, Rose McGowan, has come forward with allegations against comedian Bill Maher, claiming that he made an inappropriate comment about his own body during her appearance on his show “Politically Incorrect” in the late 1990s.

Taking to Twitter, McGowan directly addressed Maher, recalling an incident where he purportedly boasted about the size of his genitals to her.

She shared that during a commercial break on the show, Maher leaned in and whispered to her, saying, “my parents may not have given me a good-looking face, but they certainly blessed me with a large c–k.”

In her tweet on Saturday, McGowan vividly described the discomfort she felt as Maher’s breath touched her ear, triggering unsettling images of his unattractive face and alleged physical endowment.

She expressed curiosity about how he treats women who are not in the spotlight, emphasizing her disdain for his behavior.

Furthermore, McGowan criticized Maher, insinuating that his outward appearance matches his inner character, stating, “Bill, you got the face you deserved.”

As of now, HBO and Maher have not responded to requests for comments regarding McGowan’s accusations, maintaining silence on the matter.

Throughout the 1990s, Maher hosted the talk show “Politically Incorrect,” initially on Comedy Central before it transitioned to ABC, where it ran from 1993 to 2002.

Currently, he hosts “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO.

McGowan’s revelation follows a recent episode of Maher’s show, where he discussed the s**ual assault allegations against former Vice President Joe Biden by Tara Reade, a former U.S. Senate staffer.

Expressing disbelief at the focus on Reade’s claims, Maher questioned the diversion of attention from what he deemed as more critical issues, such as Donald Trump’s leadership.

He dismissed the controversy surrounding Biden as a distraction orchestrated by Republicans to tarnish the Democratic candidate.

Maher characterized the situation as a classic “he said, she said” scenario, emphasizing the lack of conclusive evidence in Reade’s accusations.

He highlighted past statements made by Reade that appeared inconsistent with her current claims, suggesting a lack of credibility.

Fox News journalist Joseph A. Wulfsohn also contributed to the coverage of this unfolding story.