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Rose McGowan Alleges Bill Maher Made Inappropriate Comment Towards Her During 1990s TV Show Appearance

Rose McGowan, a key figure in the #MeToo movement, recently took to Twitter on May 9 to reveal an unsettling encounter she had with Bill Maher during her appearance on his late-night talk show Politically Incorrect back in the 1990s.

In a tweet directed at Maher, McGowan reminisced about the incident, expressing her excitement to showcase her intellect rather than just her appearance on the show.

She recounted a disturbing moment where Maher allegedly made a lewd remark to her during a commercial break, insinuating that his parents may not have bestowed him with appealing looks but compensated with a physical endowment.

In her detailed Twitter draft, the 46-year-old actress painted a vivid picture of the uncomfortable situation, describing how Maher’s breath on her ear triggered repulsive images of his face and the inappropriate comment he made.

McGowan questioned Maher’s behavior towards women who are not in the public eye, hinting at a pattern of misconduct.

Despite McGowan’s public accusation, Maher, aged 64, has not responded to her claims on social media.

Additionally, his representative refrained from issuing any immediate statements regarding the matter when contacted by PEOPLE for a response.

Politically Incorrect, the show where the alleged incident occurred, was axed in 2002 following Maher’s controversial remarks concerning the 9/11 attacks.

He challenged the portrayal of the attackers as cowards, arguing that true cowardice was displayed through long-distance military actions.

Subsequently, in 2003, Maher launched Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO, a program that has now reached its 18th season, showcasing his blend of comedy and political commentary.

McGowan emerged as a prominent advocate for the #MeToo movement in 2017 when she accused Harvey Weinstein of s**ual assault.

Despite Weinstein’s conviction on multiple charges, including rape, he denied McGowan’s allegations against him.