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Rose McGowan Calls Out Bill Maher for Lewd Comment During 1990s Show

Actress Rose McGowan has recently accused talk show host Bill Maher of making inappropriate remarks towards her during her appearance on his show in the late 1990s.

On Friday, McGowan took to Twitter to directly address Maher, recounting an unsettling incident from her time on “Politically Incorrect.”

In her tweet, McGowan expressed her excitement at being on the show to showcase her intellect rather than her appearance.

She recounted how Maher allegedly whispered a crude comment to her as the show returned from a commercial break.

The actress claimed that Maher said, “my parents didn’t give me a good face, but they did give me a huge c–k,” causing her discomfort and disgust.

McGowan detailed how Maher’s words and actions left her feeling uneasy, with the image of his face and the vulgar comment lingering in her mind.

She questioned how he may treat women who are not in the public eye, highlighting her concerns about his behavior towards non-famous individuals.

Despite McGowan’s public statement, Maher has not responded to the allegations on Twitter.

Requests for comment from Maher by TooFab have been made but remain unanswered at this time.

During the late 1990s, Maher hosted “Politically Incorrect” on Comedy Central and ABC, where the alleged incident took place.

McGowan, a prominent figure in the #MeToo movement, previously accused Harvey Weinstein of s**ual assault, contributing to the movement’s momentum.

This accusation against Maher comes shortly after the comedian discussed s**ual assault allegations against Joe Biden on a recent episode of “Real Time.”

Maher questioned the timing of the accusations made by Tara Reade, a former U.S. Senate staffer who claimed Biden assaulted her in 1993.

Referring to Reade’s delayed disclosure, Maher raised questions about the decision to come forward close to the presidential election.

He pondered why the allegations emerged when Biden became the main contender against Trump, suggesting strategic timing behind the accusations.