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Royal Commentator Criticizes Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Strict Royal Ban

The royal ban imposed on Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has sparked criticism from a royal commentator who deemed it as “quite harsh” and rushed.

Back in 2020, the late Queen rejected the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s proposal to have a hybrid status within the Royal Family.

During the Sandringham Summit deliberations that led to Harry and Meghan’s departure from royal duties, former royal correspondent Jennie Bond expressed her opinions.

She noted that the Palace’s firm stance of either being fully involved or completely stepping back was stringent.

Bond reflected, “I’ve always maintained the perspective that the late Queen and the Palace were rather severe when drawing this red line, stating ‘you can’t be half-in, half-out.'”

The couple was presented with a binary choice: to remain fully committed to royal duties or renounce their roles entirely.

This ultimatum left no room for negotiation, as shared by Harry in their Netflix documentary series.

He disclosed, “It became apparent quite swiftly that our desired middle ground was off the table.”

This development unfolded amidst concerns within the Royal Family regarding the scarcity of senior members available to fulfill public obligations due to health issues faced by Princess Kate and King Charles.

Criticism also arose over Harry and Meghan’s use of royal titles on their digital platforms, drawing disapproval from the public.

King Charles, currently undergoing cancer treatment, has scaled back his public engagements, with plans to resume work post-Easter after an abdominal surgery.

Bond raised concerns about the complexity of their desired financial independence, which could potentially conflict with their royal status.

She remarked, “The Palace may have been too quick to dismiss their requests outright.”

In 2020, Prince Harry relocated to the United States alongside his wife, Meghan Markle, a move that marked a significant shift in their roles within the Royal Family.

The couple’s journey post-royal life continues to be closely scrutinized amid ongoing discussions surrounding their level of involvement in royal affairs and their pursuit of independence.