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Royal Family Feud: Kate Middleton’s Reluctance to Reconcile with Meghan Markle

Prince Harry’s recent visit to the U.K. has reignited rumors surrounding the ongoing rift within the royal family, particularly focusing on the strained relationship between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton.

According to sources close to the prince who spoke with Us Weekly, the royals are contemplating the future and the health of the king during this time.

While most of them are open to the idea of reconciliation, Middleton appears to be the most hesitant when it comes to making amends with Markle, stemming from an incident involving Princess Charlotte at Markle’s wedding in 2018.

One insider revealed, “Kate is considering reconciliation, especially with Harry, rather than Meghan.

She still harbors some lingering hurt over past interactions with Meghan, particularly concerning Princess Charlotte.

Although there is a need for resolution, she is ready to move forward.”

The source alluded to a well-known incident, which marked the beginning of reported tensions between Markle and Middleton.

During Markle’s royal wedding, Middleton’s daughter, Princess Charlotte, was a bridesmaid, and there were allegations of a tumultuous dress-fitting episode that left Middleton in tears.

Contrary to the earlier reports, Markle addressed the issue in March 2021 during her candid interview with Oprah Winfrey.

She contradicted the narrative, stating, “The situation was quite the opposite,” insinuating that the press and the monarchy had manipulated the story to vilify her.

The conflicting narratives have become a significant point of contention between the two women, with other accusations such as racism remaining unattributed to any specific individual.

Recent reports suggest that Markle is taking proactive steps towards reconciling with the royal family, reaching out to both Kate and Charles.

A source disclosed, “Meghan has initiated contact with Kate and Charles, signaling efforts towards reconciliation.

She stands by Harry throughout this process and extends her best wishes to the royals, including Kate.”

On the other hand, Middleton is expected to prioritize presenting a unified front and may align with her husband’s decisions.

The source added, “Kate would be open to improving relations if William desires, but she will not interfere.

She trusts that time will heal the situation.”

Furthermore, Middleton reportedly misses Harry and views him as a brotherly figure.

The overarching theme of the latest disclosures is King Charles III’s strong desire to witness his children reunite and restore harmony within the family.

An insider shared, “King Charles prioritizes health and tranquility above all else.”

While there is no confirmation of the Sussexes’ next visit to the U.K., speculations arise that they may offer support to the king during his cancer treatment.