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Salma Hayek Reveals Threats by Harvey Weinstein

Salma Hayek has bravely shared her disturbing encounters with Harvey Weinstein in a recent essay, recounting instances of unwelcome s**ual advances and menacing threats.

Penning her revelations for the New York Times, the acclaimed actress discloses her continuous refusals to comply with the disgraced producer’s inappropriate demands over the years.

She stands alongside a multitude of other female figures in the entertainment industry who have leveled similar accusations against Weinstein.

She narrates her enduring resistance to Weinstein’s persistent intrusions, including unwarranted visits at odd hours across various locations, coercing her into compromising situations such as sharing showers, receiving massages from him or his acquaintances, and engaging in intimate acts.

Each time she declined, she faced what she describes as Weinstein’s manipulative wrath, coupled with menacing ultimatums.

On one harrowing occasion, she alleges that in a fit of rage, he explicitly threatened her life, asserting, “I will kill you, don’t think I can’t.”

Hayek collaborated with Weinstein on the film Frida, a biopic centered around the iconic artist Frida Kahlo.

Despite resisting his advances, she contends that he attempted to oust her from the project she had spearheaded.

Only after complying with his screenplay and financial demands was she permitted to lead the cast.

However, during filming, Weinstein criticized her for not leveraging her physical attributes adequately and proposed an unsettling condition for her continued involvement — a s**ually explicit scene involving n^dty with another woman.

Feeling compelled to salvage the project, she reluctantly consented, detailing how she endured a distressing breakdown on the set, a stark departure from her professional demeanor.

Following its completion, Frida garnered critical acclaim, earning six Oscar nominations, with Hayek herself recognized for her role.

Despite this success, encounters with Weinstein continued to evoke fear in her, underscoring the pervasive influence wielded by individuals like him within the industry.

In a poignant reflection, Hayek emphasizes the imperative of achieving gender parity within the entertainment realm to combat exploitation and predation effectively.

She expresses gratitude for the solidarity extended by those who have shared their stories, hoping that her testimony will illuminate the challenges hindering victims from speaking out sooner.

Hayek’s disclosures add to a chorus of voices from women in Hollywood, including Ashley Judd, Rose McGowan, and Annabella Sciorra, who have come forward with accounts of misconduct by Weinstein.

In response to these claims, Weinstein has vehemently refuted any allegations of criminal misconduct through his legal representatives, clarifying that his interactions were consensual and should not be misconstrued as illicit behavior.

Reacting to Hayek’s narrative, his spokesperson maintains that Weinstein cannot recall pressuring her into a controversial scene and asserts his support for her artistic endeavors, citing pride in her accolades and accomplishments.