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Salma Hayek’s Shocking Allegation Against Harvey Weinstein

In a powerful statement to the media, actress Salma Hayek has branded Hollywood titan Harvey Weinstein as a raging “beast,” accusing him of both s**ual harassment and menacing threats.

Detailing her harrowing encounter in the pages of the esteemed New York Times, Hayek disclosed a chilling incident where Weinstein ominously declared, “I will end you, believe me, I am capable of it.”

Weinstein’s spokesperson, Holly Baird, moved swiftly to contradict Hayek’s narrative, raising doubts about the actress’s version of events.

A wave of prominent actresses, including Rose McGowan, Angelina Jolie, and Gwyneth Paltrow, have stepped forward with their own stories of harassment and assault involving Weinstein.

Weinstein vehemently refutes all claims of engaging in non-consensual s**ual activities.

The Unraveling Saga of Weinstein
Within the confines of her New York Times exposé, Hayek, aged 51, recounted her collaboration with the movie mogul on what she described as her “ultimate dream” – the cinematic portrayal of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.

She recounted a distressing series of events where, following a business deal with Weinstein for the film rights that ultimately materialized into the acclaimed 2002 biopic “Frida,” she found herself repeatedly rebuffing his inappropriate advances.

“I declined his proposal for a shared shower.

“I refused to be watched while bathing by him.

“I rejected his offer for a massage.

“I snubbed the idea of receiving a massage from one of his unclothed acquaintances.

“I turned down his proposition for oral s**.

“I dismissed the suggestion of engaging in n^dty with another woman,” Hayek penned.

Further, she accused Weinstein of coercing her into filming a gratuitous n^de scene with another actress under the threat of halting the movie’s production.

“I resorted to taking a sedative, which ceased my tears but exacerbated my nausea,” she candidly revealed the emotional turmoil she faced while filming a sequence she deemed unnecessary.

“This was far from sensuality, but it was the only means by which I could endure the scene,” she lamented.

Weinstein’s representative countered, stating, “There is no recollection of Mr. Weinstein pressuring Salma into partaking in a superfl