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Scarlett Johansson Defends John Travolta Following Red Carpet Kiss

Actress Scarlett Johansson has come to the defense of fellow actor John Travolta, addressing the controversial moment when he kissed her on the Oscars red carpet.

Despite initial appearances, Scarlett insists that the captured image of the kiss was merely an “unfortunate still-frame” that does not accurately portray the genuine nature of their interaction.

In a recent statement to The Associated Press, Scarlett expressed her support for Travolta, asserting that there was nothing untoward about his actions.

According to Scarlett, the circulating photo fails to capture the true essence of the encounter between her and John.

She clarified that the live interaction was actually quite pleasant and welcoming, contrary to what the static image suggests.

The actress criticized the media’s tendency to sensationalize such moments, highlighting how easily misunderstandings can arise from isolated snapshots taken out of context.

She also emphasized her positive relationship with Travolta, noting that she appreciates his friendly demeanor whenever they meet.

Scarlett further elaborated on her longstanding friendship with John Travolta, revealing that they have known each other for years.

Their connection dates back to their collaboration on the 2004 film A Love Song for Bobby Long, a project that earned Scarlett a Golden Globe nomination for her performance.

This background of shared professional experiences lends depth to their bond and underscores the genuine rapport between the two actors.

In response to another controversial incident involving Travolta at this year’s Oscars, his spokesperson clarified that the onstage interaction with singer Idina Menzel was entirely planned and rehearsed.

Addressing the scrutiny surrounding Travolta’s tactile gestures towards Idina, the representative assured that the choreography was a premeditated part of the performance.

It was noted that Travolta thoroughly enjoyed working with Idina and relished the opportunity to share the Oscars experience with his wife Kelly Preston and daughter Ella.

The reassurances provided by Scarlett Johansson and John Travolta’s representative serve to shed light on the complexities of public perception and media narratives in the entertainment industry.

By offering insights into the behind-the-scenes dynamics of these high-profile events, they aim to dispel misconceptions