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Silent Tears Shed by Jennifer Aniston Over Brad Pitt’s Anticipated Baby in Rediscovered Interview

Jennifer Aniston was deeply saddened by the news of Brad Pitt expecting a child with Angelina Jolie while still reeling from the end of her marriage to him.

In 2004, upon leaving the popular TV show Friends, Jennifer expressed her wish to start a family with her then-husband Brad Pitt.

However, her hopes for motherhood were overshadowed by the heartbreak of their separation.

As Jennifer bid an emotional farewell to her character on Friends, Brad was away filming Mr. and Mrs. Smith alongside Angelina Jolie.

Their on-set connection eventually blossomed into a romantic relationship, leading to Brad and Jennifer announcing their split in January 2005.

In a revealing interview with Vanity Fair in September of the same year, a 36-year-old Jennifer displayed her sorrow when confronted with rumors of Angelina’s pregnancy before her divorce from Brad was finalized.

The interviewer noted Jennifer’s visible anguish, describing her as appearing wounded and shedding tears silently for minutes.

When asked about the speculation regarding Brad and Angelina’s affair, Jennifer expressed her choice to believe Brad’s assurances but admitted to uncertainties, stating, “I wouldn’t be surprised by anything, but I would much rather choose to believe him.”

Despite hearing that Brad wanted time as a single man to figure out his life, Jennifer’s faith was shaken upon seeing images of Brad bonding with Angelina’s adopted son Maddox in Africa.

Reflecting on her emotions, Jennifer acknowledged feelings of anger, hurt, and embarrassment, recognizing her lack of understanding about the situation.

She pondered on the reasons behind facing such challenges in her life, emphasizing the need to find purpose in the turmoil.

While Brad and Angelina denied any romantic involvement during his marriage to Jennifer, she expressed gratitude for the time spent with Brad, labeling him as ‘fantastic’ and declaring her enduring love for him.

Although Brad went on to marry Angelina, their relationship ended in a contentious divorce in 2016, marked by an ongoing custody dispute.

Despite the tumultuous past, Brad reportedly apologized to Jennifer in 2017 for the pain he caused.

Described as their most intimate conversation, Brad expressed regret for his past behavior, admitting to being an absent husband and acknowledging his shortcomings.

He sought forgiveness for leaving Jennifer for Angelina, aiming to make amends for past mistakes.