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Steven Seagal Faces Allegations of s**ual Assault by Teen Actor in 1993

In recent news, renowned actor and producer Steven Seagal is under fire for accusations of rape made by a former teenage extra who worked on his film On Deadly Ground.

The accuser, Regina Simons, who was merely 18 years old at the time of filming in 1993, disclosed to The Wrap that Seagal s**ually assaulted her after inviting her to a gathering at his residence.

Upon arrival, she found herself alone with Seagal and recounts feeling paralyzed when he initiated s**ual contact.

Simons expressed, “I was completely taken aback by the situation.

Tears streamed down my face, and I felt intense pain as he overpowered me due to his significant size advantage.”

Simons, a member of the Mormon community, revealed that she chose not to reveal the incident back then after confiding in a bishop, fearing the stigma associated with such allegations within her community.

However, she recently reported the incident to law enforcement about a month ago.

This claim by Simons adds to a series of misconduct allegations against Seagal, many of which were brought to light in November 2017.

Actresses Portia de Rossi, Julianna Margulies, and Rae Dawn Chong came forward with accounts of inappropriate behavior by Seagal during what were termed as “auditions” in his hotel room or office.

Subsequent to these revelations, former Dutch model Faviola Dadis took to Instagram alleging that Seagal had groped her during an audition in 2002.

Dadis mentioned being assured of a female casting director’s presence but arrived to find only Seagal and a male security guard in the room.

According to Dadis, Seagal insisted on enacting a romantic scene before engaging in inappropriate behavior.

Dadis has recently lodged a formal complaint with the authorities regarding the