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Steven Seagal Walks Out of Interview Amid s**ual Assault Questions

Steven Seagal marked the anniversary of the #MeToo movement in a peculiar manner.

The actor made headlines after abruptly exiting a live interview on BBC’s “Newsnight” when questioned about the s**ual harassment allegations leveled against him.

Journalist Kirsty Wark broached the subject, prompting Seagal to swiftly remove his earpiece and leave the set mid-questioning.

A crew member assisted in detaching his microphone as cameras swiftly shifted back to the studio.

Despite attempts to re-engage Seagal in the conversation, he remained unresponsive.

Wark concluded the segment by mentioning Seagal’s denial of all allegations put forth against him.

Several women, including Jenny McCarthy and Portia de Rossi, have accused Seagal of s**ual misconduct and assault.

McCarthy detailed an unsettling experience during an audition, where Seagal allegedly pressured her to disrobe by referencing the role’s n^dty requirements.

De Rossi recounted a distressing incident where Seagal reportedly exposed himself during a private audition session.

Julianna Margulies and Lisa Guerrero also came forward with similar encounters involving inappropriate behavior from Seagal.

The gravity of the accusations escalated with claims of rape against Seagal.

Regina Simons accused the actor of raping her in 1993 when she was just 18 years old, following an invitation to his residence under false pretenses.

In light of these allegations, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office opted not to pursue charges due to the expiration of the statute of limitations applicable at the time of the alleged offense in 1999.

Seagal’s controversial demeanor during the interview garnered attention, with social media users applauding Wark’s probing questions.

The actor’s swift departure from the conversation only served to fuel speculation and criticism surrounding the accusations leveled against him.

Furthermore, Seagal’s involvement in facilitating US-Russia relations has come under scrutiny, adding another layer of complexity to the unfolding narrative.

Despite the mounting allegations and public scrutiny, Seagal continues to deny any wrongdoing, underscoring the contentious nature of the ongoing controversy.

As the discourse surrounding s**ual misconduct in Hollywood persists, Seagal’s actions serve as a stark reminder of the challenges faced in addressing allegations of this nature within the industry.

The repercussions of such accusations reverberate far beyond individual incidents, shaping public perception and advocacy for accountability in the realm of entertainment.