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Steven Seagal’s Controversial Incident: Behind-the-Scenes Drama Unveiled

Back in 2011, during an episode of his MMA hour show, UFC commentator Joe Rogan disclosed a shocking revelation shared with him in confidence by Gene LeBell.

The tale involved the renowned martial arts actor Steven Seagal and an incident on a movie set where LeBell reportedly rendered Seagal unconscious through a chokehold, leading the actor to involuntarily soil himself during the ordeal.

However, despite the widespread circulation of this account, LeBell refrained from publicly verifying the narrative.

Subsequently, on March 6, 2012, during another segment of the MMA hour show hosted by Ariel Helwani, the elusive LeBell was pressed by Helwani to affirm the authenticity of the purported event.

Yet, LeBell evaded direct acknowledgment by veering off-topic frequently, providing a convoluted and ambiguous recollection of the incident.

When Steven Seagal made an appearance on the same show later, he vehemently denounced LeBell as a deceitful individual, branding him a “pathological scumbag liar” if the story attributed to him was indeed fabricated by LeBell.

Despite the accusatory remarks hurled at him, LeBell remained noncommittal in addressing whether he had, in fact, incapacitated Seagal as claimed, deflecting inquiries regarding the incident during subsequent public appearances.

In the aftermath, the show’s host, Ariel Helwani, weighed in, expressing disapproval at the conflicting versions of events presented.

In October 2012, Gene LeBell participated in a private interview devoid of affiliations with any formal entity or television production.

During this exchange, he was prompted to respond to Seagal’s damning characterization of him as a dishonest individual.

Yet again, LeBell skirted around providing a definitive response, insinuating that legal constraints prevented him from elaborating on the matter.

Notably, no corroborating evidence from impartial witnesses or official records