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Steven Seagal’s Inappropriate Advances: Katherine Heigl’s Disturbing Encounter at 16

Steven Seagal, once a prominent figure in Hollywood, has faced a wave of criticism from various celebrities post his career downfall.

Among the allegations of misconduct, actresses like Portia de Rossi and Rachel Grant have accused him of inappropriate behavior.

However, the most unsettling revelation comes from Katherine Heigl, who shared her disturbing encounter with the actor when she was just 16 years old.

Recalling her time on the set of Under Siege 2, Heigl disclosed Seagal’s attempts to initiate a relationship with her.

The incident culminated in Seagal placing his hands inappropriately on her chest during the movie’s premiere.

Heigl recounted the discomfort she felt as Seagal remarked, “‘you know Katie, I got girlfriends your age.’

She questioned the legality of his statement, to which he callously replied, ‘They don’t seem to mind.’

This unsettling interaction left Heigl in disbelief, prompting her to seek her mother’s intervention.

Another actress, Jenny McCarthy, also came forward with allegations against Seagal.

McCarthy revealed her distressing experience during an audition for Under Siege 2, where Seagal demanded her to disrobe despite the absence of n^dty in the script.

Feeling uncomfortable and violated, McCarthy abruptly left the audition, expressing her dismay at Seagal’s inappropriate behavior.

These instances are only a fraction of the controversies surrounding Seagal, leading to his ostracism from the entertainment industry and tarnishing his reputation significantly.

“Under Siege 2: Dark Territory” is now accessible for viewing on HBO Max, offering audiences a chance to revisit the film amidst the scandals that have engulfed its lead star.