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The Real Story Behind Steven Seagal’s Lifetime Ban from SNL

Becoming banned from the renowned late-night show Saturday Night Live can happen in various unexpected ways.

Throughout the show’s history, numerous hosts and musical guests have managed to achieve this feat through unique means.

Whether it was lighting up a joint on stage like Cypress Hill, delving into overly political topics like Sinead O’Connor and Rage Against the Machine, or even performing the wrong song like Elvis Costello with his rendition of “Radio, Radio” – these instances have left a mark on the show’s legacy.

In the year 1991, the tough-guy actor Steven Seagal found himself permanently banned from SNL for reasons that were perhaps predictable.

Contrary to common SNL bans for actions like setting things on fire or using explicit language, Seagal’s ban stemmed from a rather straightforward cause – his notable lack of humor, making him possibly the least amusing individual to have ever graced the planet.

While Seagal’s behavior during the week leading up to the show did not help his case, characterized by prima donna antics and alienating interactions with the cast, these behaviors might have been overlooked if his performance had not turned out to be an utter disaster.

Responsible for writing a majority of the skits for his episode, Seagal’s appearance became renowned as one of the most catastrophic events in SNL’s extensive history.

The episode was so disastrous that NBC took legal measures to ensure its concealment, with no clips available on the network’s website and its omission from the season’s release on Netflix.

The true rationale behind Steven Seagal’s permanent exclusion from Saturday Night Live revolved around his complete inability to deliver a successful performance, leading to what is now considered a legendary failure in the show’s archives.