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The Scandalous Love Affair of Errol Flynn and a 15-Year-Old Girl: A Tale of Old Hollywood

Errol Flynn, a renowned film star, learned the hard way that the public never forgets.

By the mid-1940s, Flynn’s once-glorious career had tarnished due to scandalous allegations of alcoholism, womanizing, and accusations of assaulting underage girls.

It makes one wonder how he would have fared in today’s scrutinizing society like TMZ.

Even his death in 1959 had a tinge of scandal as he was rumored to have passed away in the arms of his teenage girlfriend, Beverly Aadland, a former chorus girl whom Flynn had reportedly started dating when she was just 15 years old.

In 1961, Florence Aadland, Beverly’s mother, penned a book titled “The Big Love” detailing the controversial relationship between her daughter and Flynn.

Decades later, filmmakers Richard Glatzer and Wash Westmoreland, inspired by the book, sought out the elusive Beverly Aadland in Palmdale, California.

Gaining her trust, they used her memories of the unconventional romance as the foundation for their movie, “The Last of Robin Hood,” which premiered at the Toronto Film Festival.

Despite Beverly’s reluctance to discuss her past with Flynn, the filmmakers claimed she approved of the project before her demise in 2010.

The film, dedicated to Beverly, stars Kevin Kline as the aging Flynn, Dakota Fanning as Beverly, and Susan Sarandon as her tell-all mother, whose dancing dreams were shattered by a tragic accident.

Delving into the intriguing plot points of “The Last of Robin Hood,” we unearth some captivating details surrounding Flynn’s scandalous love affair:

Upon noticing Beverly rehearsing at the studio, Flynn summons her to his office through an intermediary.

Subsequently, he lures her into an “audition” at a producer’s home at night, where he takes Beverly’s innocence.

The revelation of Beverly’s young age comes only after the fact, according to the film’s narrative.

Beverly’s mother, despite being a stage mom, shows no alarm when Flynn invites her daughter for a late-night “audition,” overlooking Flynn’s notorious reputation.

Initially unimpressed, Beverly succumbs to Flynn’s charisma as he affectionately nicknames her “Woodsy,” inspired by her ethereal appearance.

Winning over Beverly’s star-struck mother, Flynn persuades her to accompany them on dates to avoid any scandalous rumors.

After Beverly’s mother discovers the affair, Flynn placates her by promising to kickstart Beverly’s acting career, even attempting to secure her a role in “Lolita” with director Stanley Kubrick – a failed endeavor.

Struggling with back pain, Flynn turns to round-the-clock drinking and intravenous drugs after a trip to Africa for relief.

At Beverly’s 17th birthday celebration, Flynn announces their impending marriage to friends and family.

Funding a film in Cuba for Beverly’s starring role, Flynn falls ill during production and dictates a will to Beverly, ensuring her care in case of his demise.

Leasing a yacht in Canada to finalize his divorce and wed Beverly, Flynn’s sudden back pain leads Beverly to seek medical aid, culminating in a tragic end.

Despite Beverly transcribing a will for Flynn, it is deemed invalid without his signature, leaving her with nothing after his passing.

Following Flynn’s death, Beverly’s mother faces legal repercussions, leading to Beverly’s placement in a juvenile home.

Ultimately, a reconciliation occurs as Beverly tends to her mother in her final days.

The tumultuous love story of Errol Flynn and Beverly Aadland serves as a cautionary tale of Old Hollywood glamour marred by scandal and tragedy.

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