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The Untold Story Behind Brendan Fraser’s Financial Struggles

Actor Brendan Fraser commanded the screens in the ’90s and early 2000s with leading roles in blockbuster hits such as The Mummy, Bedazzled, and George of the Jungle.

However, by 2013, Fraser found himself embroiled in a legal dispute over his inability to meet his substantial child support obligations.

The genesis of Fraser’s financial woes can be traced back to his divorce from Afton Smith in February 2009.

Their relationship, which began at a 1993 event hosted by actress Winona Ryder, spanned over 15 years.

Following their union in September 1998, they welcomed three sons – Griffin Arthur, Leland Francis, and Holden Fletcher.

During the divorce proceedings, Fraser asserted that he was financially destitute due to the absence of concrete movie contracts at the time.

Consequently, as part of the settlement, the Encino Man star was mandated to provide $900,000 annually for the support of their three children, as per the New York Post.

In February 2013, Brendan Fraser appeared before a Connecticut court seeking a reduction in his yearly child support payments to his former spouse, Afton Smith.

The actor expressed his inability to sustain the $900,000 obligation imposed on him, according to the New York Post.

Nevertheless, Smith alleged that the Journey to the Center of the Earth actor had engaged in “fraudulent” activities, asserting that he concealed earnings amounting to $9 million from new film projects when they finalized their divorce four years earlier.

Fraser countered by stating that these film deals were non-existent during their custody agreement negotiation.

While Fraser acknowledged his post-divorce film appearances, he attributed his financial downturn and diminished prospects for major roles to several health issues he confronted.

Smith’s attorney claimed Fraser possessed assets totaling $24.7 million as of December 2012.

Through the tumultuous legal battle, Fraser’s financial struggles became more pronounced, shedding light on the complexities of maintaining his career while navigating personal challenges.

The saga of Brendan Fraser serves as a cautionary tale of the intricate intersection between fame, fortune, and personal tribulations in the entertainment industry.