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Trump’s Lewd Remarks About Ivanka Trump Recalled in Shocking New Book

During his time as president, Donald Trump reportedly made inappropriate and s**ual comments about his daughter, Ivanka, in the presence of his staff members.

These remarks were said to be so offensive that they led to a rebuke from his former chief of staff, John Kelly, as detailed in a newly released book by a former Trump official.

Miles Taylor, who previously served as chief of staff at the Department of Homeland Security and wrote an anonymous Op-Ed for The New York Times in 2018, reveals in his latest book, “Blowback: A Warning to Save Democracy from the Next Trump,” that Trump’s comments about Ivanka were beyond unacceptable.

According to Newsweek, Taylor describes instances where Trump spoke crudely about Ivanka’s physical attributes, provoking Kelly to intervene and remind the president of their familial relationship.

The pervasive sexism within the Trump administration is underscored by Taylor, who exposes the toxic environment faced by female officials.

One senior female official expressed concerns to Taylor, stating that the workplace was detrimental to women’s well-being due to the prevalent discrimination.

In a candid revelation, Taylor discloses that Kelly shared with him the disturbing anecdotes involving Trump’s remarks about his daughter.

Kelly’s evident repulsion towards Trump’s behavior speaks volumes about the former president’s character, with Kelly reportedly labeling him as “a very, very evil man.”

Despite the troubling accounts presented in Taylor’s book, many female leaders from the Trump administration have chosen to remain silent about the discrimination they endured under Trump’s reign.

Taylor emphasizes the urgent need to address the rampant sexism perpetuated by Trump during his time in office.

Ivanka Trump’s public distancing from her father’s political ambitions and legal entanglements further underscores the strained relationship between them.

Trump currently faces legal challenges on multiple fronts, including criminal indictments in New York City and Miami, adding to his already tarnished reputation.

Past instances of Trump’s inappropriate behavior towards Ivanka have resurfaced, painting a disturbing picture of their relationship.

Trump’s past remarks hinting at a romantic interest in Ivanka have drawn widespread criticism, with his televised comments on “The View” and in a Rolling Stone interview raising eyebrows and stirring controversy.

Recent revelations from former White House staffers shed light on Trump’s inappropriate conduct towards female colleagues, prompting calls for accountability and condemnation of such behavior.

Alyssa Farah Griffin, a former White House communications director, highlighted the concerning interactions she witnessed, urging voters and Republicans to confront Trump’s misconduct.

Following a recent court ruling against Trump in a s**ual abuse case, where he was found liable for defaming journalist E. Jean Carroll, the spotlight has once again turned on his treatment of women.

Trump’s denial of any wrongdoing contrasts starkly with testimonies and allegations, fueling ongoing legal battles and public scrutiny.

Taylor’s firsthand experiences of Trump’s misconduct towards women provide a chilling insight into the toxic work environment cultivated by the former president.

The revelations of Trump’s derogatory behavior towards female officials, as recounted by Taylor and others, paint a damning portrait of his leadership style and treatment of women in positions of power.