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Why Jennifer Lawrence Disliked Her Intimate Scene in ‘Passengers’

In the realm of cinema, the film ‘Passengers’ appeared to be perpetually stalled at the terminal; however, for Jennifer Lawrence, it became a memorable journey for all the wrong reasons.

Nowadays, there is a heightened level of scrutiny surrounding intimate scenes in Hollywood.

The presence of intimacy coordinators aims to ensure these scenes are conducted safely and fairly, yet there remains room for improvement.

Recently, the topic gained traction when Sean Bean remarked that such coordinators “spoil the spontaneity” of a scene.

When consulting an intimacy coordinator regarding these remarks, they emphasized that “actors can still convey spontaneity, while the coordination guarantees the safety and well-being of the cast and crew.

These coordinators assist actors in understanding and respecting their personal boundaries.

What may seem ‘spontaneous’ to one actor could feel intrusive to another.” Are action sequences akin to impromptu scuffles or meticulously orchestrated for everyone’s protection?

Nonetheless, the groundwork for such demanding scenes does not solely commence on set.

Actors require mental preparation beforehand.

Lawrence, labeling Passengers as her “first authentic intimate scene,” confessed to feeling mentally unprepared.

She deemed the encounter “awkward” and, despite its fictional nature, expressed discomfort in kissing a married man.

Though Chris Pratt bore no fault, she disclosed to The Hollywood Reporter that she resorted to becoming “extremely inebriated” to endure the scenes, asserting that “intimate scenes are far from sensual.” While this may ring true, with proper emotional readiness, such scenes need not be as psychologically draining as Lawrence experienced.

Regrettably, the pressures on Lawrence were heightened by media scrutiny of the onscreen romance.

During that period, Pratt announced his separation from Anna Faris, his former spouse.

Given the intimacy of the Passengers storyline, various tabloids speculated whether their on-screen collaboration had catalyzed a rift in Pratt’s marriage.

Despite Lawrence debunking these rumors, the gossip persisted.

Looking ahead, the bright side emerges with the notion that intimacy coordination endeavors to normalize intimate scenes.

As stipulated, there must be a prearranged, documented agreement outlining the scene’s dynamics once filming commences, a task facilitated by an intimacy coordinator.

Rehearsals and discussions about the director’s vision, employing minimal touch, are crucial components in this process.