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Winona Ryder Reveals Shocking Encounter with Mel Gibson

Actress Winona Ryder recently shared her experiences with anti-Semitism in the entertainment industry, shedding light on disturbing comments made by industry insiders regarding her Jewish background.

In a candid interview with The Times, the 48-year-old star recounted a troubling incident involving actor and director Mel Gibson at a crowded party.

During the event, Gibson reportedly made offensive remarks to Ryder’s gay friend about AIDS before turning his attention to the actress and asking, “You’re not an oven dodger, are you?”

Despite the hurtful nature of his words, Gibson allegedly attempted to apologize to Ryder at a later time.

Mel Gibson has long been associated with allegations of anti-Semitism, stemming from controversial projects like “Passion of the Christ,” which drew criticism for its portrayal of Jews.

In a separate incident in 2006, Gibson faced backlash for making derogatory remarks about Jewish individuals during a drunk driving arrest.

A spokesperson for Gibson vehemently denied Ryder’s claims, labeling them as entirely false.

Referring to a previous interview where Ryder had shared a similar story, the representative asserted that the actress had fabricated the narrative in the past and continued to do so.

According to the spokesperson, Gibson had previously reached out to Ryder to address her accusations, but she purportedly refused to engage in a dialogue.

Responding to the rebuttal, Winona Ryder stood by her account of the encounter, recalling the painful memory of being subjected to Gibson’s hateful language alongside her friend Kevyn Aucoin in 1996.

She emphasized the importance of taking responsibility for one’s actions to foster mutual respect and reconciliation.

In addition to addressing the incident with Gibson, Ryder also highlighted how her Jewish heritage has influenced her career in Hollywood.

She disclosed instances where industry figures expressed surprise upon learning of her background, citing one occasion where a studio executive deemed her appearance too Jewish for a specific role in a period film.

Despite facing obstacles due to her heritage, Ryder admitted that she often reflects on her family’s history during the Holocaust and the impact it has had on her identity.

While she does not practice religion, the actress acknowledged her connection to her Jewish roots and the significance of honoring her family’s legacy.

In sharing her personal encounters with anti-Semitism and discrimination in the industry, Winona Ryder sheds light on the pervasive challenges faced by individuals of Jewish descent in Hollywood.

Her courage in speaking out against prejudice serves as a reminder of the importance of promoting inclusivity and understanding within the entertainment community.