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Anchor’s book takes another look

Who Killed Bob Crane?

Anchor’s Investigation Unearths New Details

In 1978, the brutal murder of beloved ‘60s sitcom star Bob Crane shocked the nation.

KSAZ-TV anchor John Hook embarked on a personal quest a couple of years ago to delve deeper into this unsolved crime.

The culmination of his efforts is a gripping new book titled Who Killed Bob Crane, which meticulously examines the case, utilizing cutting-edge DNA evidence in an endeavor to identify the perpetrator.

The genesis of Hook’s investigation can be traced back to a meeting with Robert Crane, the late actor’s eldest son, who penned a revealing book titled Crane: s**, Celebrity, and My Father’s Unsolved Murder.

Despite being well-acquainted with the grim particulars of the murder, Hook, a fixture in Arizona’s media landscape for over two decades, had never probed beyond the surface details.

During a 2015 interview with Robert Crane, Hook found himself captivated by the unresolved nature of the case.

The tragic demise of the Hogan’s Heroes star, discovered bludgeoned to death in a Scottsdale apartment while performing in a play, left a lingering sense of injustice.

This encounter spurred Hook to contemplate the existence of overlooked evidence that could potentially shed light on the mystery.

With Robert Crane’s endorsement and cooperation, Hook immersed himself in one of Arizona’s most sensational homicide sagas.

The gruesome circumstances of Bob Crane’s murder, marked by the presence of an electrical cord around his neck, implicated his acquaintance John Carpenter, although the lack of incriminating DNA evidence led to Carpenter’s acquittal in 1994.

Carpenter maintained his innocence until his passing in 1998.

Delving into Crane’s complex persona, Hook unearthed unsettling facets of the actor’s life, including his fixation on p0rn0 and insatiable s**ual appetite.

These revelations, coupled with access to crime scene artifacts, painted a vivid portrait of Crane’s tumultuous existence.

Disturbingly, Hook encountered blood-stained mementos from Crane’s daily life, alongside explicit videos showcasing his intimate encounters.

In a bid to resolve the enduring mystery, Hook commissioned advanced DNA analysis on samples collected from Carpenter’s rental vehicle.

While the blood type matched Crane’s, the genetic markers did not align, casting doubt on Carpenter’s culpability.

The unexpected outcome disappointed Hook and challenged prevailing theories regarding the murder, prompting divergent reactions from legal experts and observers familiar with the case.

Despite the inconclusive results, Hook remains committed to unraveling the truth behind Bob Crane’s untimely demise.

The exhaustive research and writing process for his debut book proved taxing, yet Hook contemplates the possibility of future explorations into the enigmatic circumstances surrounding the murder.

Acknowledging the impact of his investigation on his personal and professional life, Hook remains open to new leads or insights that may illuminate the shadowy corners of this enduring mystery.

As he navigates the aftermath of his journalistic odyssey, Hook reflects on the complexities of the case and the enduring legacy of Bob Crane’s tragic end.

His dedication to uncovering the facts underscores the relentless pursuit of truth that defines his journalistic ethos.

In the realm of true crime narratives, Hook’s meticulous inquiry stands as a testament to the enduring allure of unresolved mysteries and the unwavering quest for justice.

For more updates from Randy Cordova, follow him on Twitter: Twitter.com/randy_cordova.