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Angelina Jolie and Lady Gaga’s Alleged Secret Affair Unveiled

Rumors swirling around suggest that Angelina Jolie, the renowned Hollywood actress, may have been involved in a romantic entanglement with the famous singer Lady Gaga.

The speculation arises from the claims made by Ian Halperin, the author behind the recent bestseller titled “Brangelina: The Untold Story of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.”

According to Halperin, there is a possibility that the star of Tomb Raider might have strayed from her partner Brad Pitt with the company of GaGa.

Halperin further alleges that Jolie, who is known for her openness about her bisexuality, and GaGa, who has been the subject of rumors regarding her gender identity, engaged in a clandestine meeting at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel, which extended throughout the night.

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According to the China Daily, Jolie has developed what could be described as an ‘obsession’ with Lady Gaga