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  • Angelina Jolie’s Lawyer Claims Brad Pitt’s Alleged Abuse of Jolie and Children Predated 2016 Plane Incident

Angelina Jolie’s Lawyer Claims Brad Pitt’s Alleged Abuse of Jolie and Children Predated 2016 Plane Incident

Angelina Jolie’s legal representatives have asserted in a recent court filing that Brad Pitt’s purported physical mistreatment of Jolie had commenced prior to the highly publicized incident involving Pitt, Jolie, and their children aboard a plane in September 2016.

The former celebrity couple is embroiled in an ongoing legal dispute concerning their shared ownership of the esteemed French vineyard, Château Miraval.

In 2022, Pitt initiated legal action against Jolie, accusing her of breaching “contractual rights” by selling her portion of Château Miraval without his prior knowledge.

Responding to this lawsuit, Jolie’s attorneys contended that negotiations regarding the sale of her stake in the business faltered when Pitt purportedly insisted on her endorsement of a restrictive nondisclosure agreement barring any public disclosure of his alleged physical and emotional abuse towards Jolie and their offspring outside of legal proceedings.

A recent legal motion submitted by Jolie’s legal team aims to unveil communications they assert demonstrate Pitt’s stipulation that Jolie could only divest her share of the winery to him upon agreeing to a more stringent and far-reaching nondisclosure arrangement.

The court document states: “Although Pitt’s history of physically mistreating Jolie predated the family’s transatlantic flight from France to Los Angeles in September 2016, this journey marked the initial instance where he directed his abusive behavior towards the children as well, prompting Jolie to promptly exit the relationship.”

Variety’s request for feedback from Pitt’s representatives remained unanswered.

Within the countersuit filed by Angelina Jolie’s legal team the previous year, further elaboration on the reported altercation of September 2016 was disclosed.

The legal filing alleged that during the incident, Pitt allegedly choked one child and struck another in the face while also forcefully shaking Jolie by the head.

The altercation purportedly began when Pitt criticized Jolie for being excessively accommodating towards their children, escalating into a physical confrontation within the airplane’s lavatory.

“After gripping Jolie’s head and aggressively shaking her, then pushing her against the restroom wall, Pitt proceeded to strike the plane’s ceiling repeatedly, leading Jolie to exit the lavatory,” the countersuit detailed.

“Subsequently, Pitt endeavored to engage physically with one of their children after the child came to Jolie’s defense.”

Upon one child verbally defending Jolie, the countersuit claimed that Pitt reacted by lunging at the child, prompting Jolie to intervene.

Pitt’s attempt to disengage Jolie resulted in him falling back into the plane’s seats, injuring Jolie’s back and elbow in the process.

The children, witnessing the turmoil, attempted to shield one another, with Pitt purportedly assaulting one child and hitting another in the face, causing distress and tears among the children involved.

Following the altercation, Jolie made arrangements for separate transportation at the airport to transport herself and the children to a hotel, away from Pitt.

Upon informing Pitt of this decision, he allegedly reacted by yelling at her and forcibly pushing her down once more.

In a development from August 2022, it was revealed that Jolie had anonymously supported a 2016 lawsuit where the plaintiff alleged being subjected to assault by her “then-spouse” on a private aircraft.

An FBI agent was informed by the actress about Pitt’s alleged physical and verbal aggression towards her and their offspring.