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The Painful Mishap Natalie Portman Endured During Black Swan Production

Natalie Portman has undoubtedly solidified her status as a top-tier actress in the industry.

With an impressive resume that includes appearances in numerous films, participation in major franchises like the Marvel Cinematic Universe and “Star Wars,” and prestigious awards such as an Academy Award and multiple Golden Globe Awards, Portman’s talent shines brightly (via IMDb).

Among her most notable roles are her depiction of the iconic Jackie Kennedy in “Jackie” and her portrayal of the young Mathilda in “Léon: The Professional.”

One of the projects that stands out in Portman’s career is the eerie art film “Black Swan” released in 2010.

Her performance as Nina Sayers, a dedicated ballerina descending into obsession, earned her an Academy Award for best actress.

The film, a chilling psychological thriller, also features Mila Kunis as Lily, Nina’s rival vying for the lead role in “Swan Lake.”

“Black Swan” showcases one of Portman’s most intense and captivating performances to date.

However, the filming process of “Black Swan” posed challenges for both Kunis and Portman, as they openly admitted.

Notably, Portman encountered a significant physical setback while working on this iconic movie.

During an appearance on “The Late Show with David Letterman” to promote “Black Swan” back in 2010, Portman disclosed that she suffered a rib dislocation during a particular scene in the film (via YouTube).

Recounting the incident, she described how she was lifted, causing one of her ribs to painfully slide under another.

Despite the injury, there was no medical professional available on set to attend to her needs.

In a light-hearted manner, Portman shared her attempt to seek help, stating, “I called the producer, I was like ‘Could you get the medic?

Because, you know, I need an ice pack or something right now.'”

To her surprise, the response was, “Oh, we don’t have a medic,” due to budget constraints.

Although Portman was a seasoned veteran in the entertainment industry at the time of filming “Black Swan,” having accumulated two decades of experience, she questioned the legality of operating without medical support on set.

Reflecting on the incident, she emphasized her concern by saying, “Before you take away a medic, take away my trailer,” which led to her trailer being removed the following day.

While sustaining injuries during work is never ideal, especially for actors engaged in demanding scenes, Portman found solace in her subsequent Academy Award win.

In conclusion, the process of bringing “Black Swan” to life was not without its share of challenges, including a notable injury endured by Natalie Portman during production.

Despite the setbacks, Portman’s unwavering dedication to her craft and her outstanding performance in the film ultimately garnered her critical acclaim and recognition in the form of prestigious accolades.