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Angelina Jolie’s Scandalous Affair Unveiled

The tides have certainly shifted as Angelina Jolie finds herself embroiled in controversy in recent legal filings.

Reports from New Weekly suggest that Brad Pitt is seeking to summon a former housekeeper, Anna Kowalski, to substantiate allegations of an illicit relationship between Angelina and her dialect coach.

Shocking, isn’t it?

In the ongoing custody battle with his ex-wife Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt appears to have acquired some compelling evidence.

Sources close to the matter indicate that he intends to leverage this information to secure equal custody of their children.

According to a housekeeper at the Waldorf Astoria, Angelina was romantically involved with her dialect coach.

The plot thickens.

“Brad was utterly astounded upon learning about Anna’s assertions,” divulged an insider from NW.

“Rest assured, he will exploit this new development through his legal team to bolster his case for shared custody.”

If Anna’s testimony holds any truth, it suggests that Angelina entertained frequent visits from a mysterious, dark-haired gentleman during her residency at the Waldorf Astoria.

Seems like Brad might use this revelation to counter the negative publicity he has been facing lately.

A strategic move, indeed.

Not stopping there, reports now insinuate that Angelina has been forging a close bond with her Maleficent 2 co-star, Ed Skrein, whom she specifically requested to star alongside her.

Ed Skrein’s connection with Angelina raises eyebrows, especially considering their upcoming joint project in Maleficent 2.

Meanwhile, the rumor mill is abuzz with speculations of a potential baby on the way for Brad and his ex, Jen Aniston.

While neither party has validated nor refuted the reunion rumors, the latest grapevine suggests that the duo may be anticipating a new addition to their family.

On the other hand, recent gossip has also linked the Fight Club luminary to accomplished architect Neri Oxman, hinting at a romantic involvement spanning half a year.

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