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Angelina Jolie’s Shocking Past Revealed: Allegedly Slept with Mother’s Boyfriend at 16

Angelina Jolie, known for her transformation from a rebellious past to a respected figure, is now facing shocking allegations from a new tell-all biography by controversial author Andrew Morton.

According to reports from RadarOnline.com, Morton claims that the renowned actress engaged in a romantic relationship with her mother’s live-in partner when she was just 16 years old.

Despite being hailed as one of the most stunning women globally, Jolie’s alleged affair with her mother, Marcheline Bertrand’s boyfriend, reportedly strained their relationship irreparably.

As detailed in Britain’s Now magazine, the aftermath of this scandal left the mother and daughter duo grappling with emotional turmoil for an extended period.

An insider disclosed to the magazine, “Marcheline had a live-in boyfriend whom she was very much in love with, but Ange slept with him when she was 16 and barely out of school.”

The revelation of this illicit affair led to Marcheline ending her relationship with the man, further complicating the family dynamics.

The source further revealed, “When Ange confessed the incident to her brother James recently, he also distanced himself from her.

This revelation has left her with few allies who genuinely care for or confide in her.”

Tragically, Jolie faced another devastating blow in 2007 when her beloved mother succumbed to cancer at the age of 56.

During this period of loss, Jolie appeared visibly distraught and drained, as captured in photographs from that time.

Andrew Morton, the author behind this unauthorized biography on Jolie