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Ashton Kutcher’s Startling Testimony: An Evening Turned Tragic

In a Los Angeles courtroom, Ashton Kutcher revealed shocking details during a murder trial.

He recounted an evening 18 years ago when he planned to meet a young fashion-design student, Ashley Ellerin, for drinks but was met with a chilling discovery the following day.

Recalling the events of that fateful night in 2001, Kutcher shared that he had kept Ellerin waiting at her Hollywood home after arriving late from a party.

Despite knocking on her door multiple times, there was no response.

Assuming she had left, Kutcher noticed what appeared to be wine stains on the floor through a window before departing.

The next day brought the grim news that Ellerin had been found dead by her roommate in a tragic turn of events.

Kutcher expressed his panic upon learning about her untimely demise, especially as he realized his fingerprints were on her door, leading him to cooperate with detectives.

Prosecutors have charged Michael Gargiulo, referred to as a “serial s**ual-thrill killer,” with the murders of Ellerin and another woman.

Allegations suggest that he entered Ellerin’s residence and fatally stabbed her 47 times.

Gargiulo faces charges related to other attacks between 2001 and 2008, including the killing of an 18-year-old woman from Illinois.

While maintaining his innocence, he awaits trial for these heinous crimes.

During his testimony, Kutcher, now a seasoned actor and family man, revisited a period in his life before his fame soared.

Known for his roles in popular sitcoms and films, Kutcher painted a vivid picture of the night he interacted with Ellerin, dispelling notions of a romantic relationship between them.

Despite being labeled as Ellerin’s boyfriend previously, Kutcher clarified that they were acquaintances planning to go out as single individuals.

He detailed his attempts to reach Ellerin by phone that evening, highlighting challenges due to limited cell service capabilities at the time.

Reflecting on the past, Kutcher emphasized the difficulties of communication back then, explaining his sporadic messages to Ellerin to avoid appearing overly eager.

His poignant testimony shed light on a dark chapter from his past, offering a glimpse into the tragedy that unfolded on that ill-fated night.